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Neighborhood Developments/Outdoor Market

Developers profit from Airvac vacuum sewer systems, even in phased projects.

Developer Benefits:

  • Cost Savings: Vacuum sewer systems use small diameter pipes laid in shallow trenches, significantly reducing installation costs. The tight system prevents infiltration and inflow, which is particularly important when treatment costs are based on gallons processed.
  • More Lots for Sale: A single vacuum station replaces five or six lift stations, creating additional space for profitable home sites. Hard-to-sell lots near lift stations are also eliminated.
  • Less Disruptive: Fast, simple excavation and directional drilling for smaller diameter pipes, and shallow trenches results in less disruption to roads and natural areas. 

Homeowner Benefits:

  • Environmentally Friendly: Shallow, narrow trenches and no manholes mean less surface disruption. The sealed system prevents sewage leaks and infiltration.
  • State-of-the-Art Technology: Airvac vacuum sewer systems are used globally and are becoming the system of choice due to their conservation of natural resources, environmental friendliness, and ease of operation.


Discover Better.

We provide free cost estimates & system layouts.
Free educational seminars and webinars are available
for potential or existing customers.

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